

hyprpaper is a fast, IPC-controlled wallpaper utility for Hyprland.


The config file is located at ~/.config/hypr/hyprpaper.conf. It is not required.

Configuration is done using preload, which loads an image into memory. Then, the wallpaper keyword is used to apply the preloaded image to your monitor(s):

preload = /home/me/amongus.png
wallpaper = monitor, /home/me/amongus.png

monitor can be left empty to set to all monitors without a set wallpaper:

wallpaper = , /home/me/amongus.png

Monitor names can be checked with hyprctl monitors

Also can be used with desc: followed by the monitor’s description without the (PORT) at the end

You may add contain: before the file path in wallpaper = to set the mode to contain instead of cover:

wallpaper = monitor, contain:/home/me/amongus.png

You can use unload to unload preloaded images. You can also specify unload all to unload all images or unload unused to unload images that aren’t being used.

Also you can use reload to unload preloaded image from your monitor(s), preload another and set it to your monitor(s). It has the same syntax as wallpaper keyword.

To run hyprpaper at startup edit hyprland.conf and add: exec-once = hyprpaper.

Misc options

variable description type default
splash enable rendering of the hyprland splash over the wallpaper bool false
splash_offset how far (in % of height) up should the splash be displayed float 2.0
splash_color color to use when rendering splash color 55ffffff
ipc whether to enable IPC bool true


hyprpaper supports IPC via hyprctl. Every dispatcher mentioned in Configuration can be called with hyprctl hyprpaper <dispatcher> <arg(s)>.

Additionally, you can get some info about the current state of hyprpaper with listloaded and listactive.


hyprctl hyprpaper preload "~/Pictures/myepicpng.png"
hyprctl hyprpaper wallpaper "DP-1,~/Pictures/myepicpng.png"
hyprctl hyprpaper listloaded

Please note all paths have to be absolute (or start with ~).