

hyprlock is a simple, yet fast, multi-threaded and GPU-accelerated screen lock for Hyprland.


Configuration is done via the config file at ~/.config/hypr/hyprlock.conf. It is not required, but recommended. Without it, locking shows the current screen.

Variable types

Hyprlock uses the following types in addition to Hyprland’s variable types.

type description
layoutxy vec2 with an optional % suffix, allowing users to specify sizes as percentages of the output size.


Variables in the general category:

variable description type default
disable_loading_bar disables the loading bar on the bottom of the screen while hyprlock is booting up. bool false
hide_cursor hides the cursor instead of making it visible bool false
grace the amount of seconds for which the lockscreen will unlock on mouse movement. int 0
no_fade_in disables the fadein animation bool false
no_fade_out disables the fadeout animation bool false
ignore_empty_input skips validation when no password is provided bool false
immediate_render makes hyprlock immediately start to draw widgets. Backgrounds will render background:color until their background:path resource is available bool false
text_trim sets if the text should be trimmed, useful to avoid trailing newline in commands output bool true
fractional_scaling whether to use fractional scaling. 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled, 2 - auto int 2
If you are not on hyprland, or your XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP is not Hyprland, the fade out will be disabled and the value of your no_fade_out variable will be ignored.


Variables in the auth category:

variable description type default
pam:enabled whether to enable pam authentication bool true
pam:module sets the pam module used for authentication. If the module isn’t found in /etc/pam.d, “su” will be used as a fallback str hyprlock
fingerprint:enabled enables parallel fingerprint auth with fprintd. bool false
fingerprint:ready_message sets the message that will be displayed when fprintd is ready to scan a fingerprint. str (Scan fingerprint to unlock)
fingerprint:present_message sets the message that will be displayed when a finger is placed on the scanner. str Scanning fingerprint
At least one enabled authentication method is required.

Keyboard Shortcuts and Actions

The following keys and key-combinations describe hyprlock’s default behaviour:

input description
ESC Clear password buffer
Ctrl + u Clear password buffer
Ctrl + Backspace Clear password buffer


The entire configuration of how hyprlock looks is done via widgets.

widget_name {
    monitor =
    # further options

monitor can be left empty for “all monitors”

Widget List

General remarks

  • All rendered text supports pango markup.
    • Additionally hyprlock will parse <br/> for your convenience. (That’s a linebreak) Remember to enable linebreaks in your spans with allow_breaks="true".
  • Positioning is done via halign, valign, position, and zindex. Position is an added offset to the result of alignment.
    • halign: left, center, right, none. valign: top, center, bottom, none
    • zindex: Widgets with larger numbers will be placed above widgets with smaller numbers. All widgets default to 0, except background which defaults to -1.
  • All position and size options can be specified in pixels or as percentages of the output size.
    • pixels: 10, 10 or 10px, 10px
    • percentages: 10%, 10%
    • mixed: 10%, 5px
  • Supported image formats are png, jpg and webp (no animations though)


Some widgets are shadowable, meaning they can have a shadow. For those widgets, you get:

variable description type default
shadow_passes passes for shadow, 0 to disable int 0
shadow_size size for shadow int 3
shadow_color shadow color color rgb(0,0,0)
shadow_boost boost shadow’s opacity float 1.2


Draws a background image or fills with color.

If path is empty or missing, will use color. Otherwise, the image will be used.

If path is screenshot, a screenshot of your desktop at launch will be used.

variable description type default
monitor monitor to draw on str [[Empty]]
path image path, screenshot or empty to fill with color str [[Empty]]
color fallback background color color rgba(17, 17, 17, 1.0)
blur_passes the amount of passes to perform. 0 disables blurring int 0
blur_size blur size (distance) int 7
noise how much noise to apply float 0.0117
contrast contrast modulation for blur float 0.8916
brightness brightness modulation for blur float 0.8172
vibrancy Increase saturation of blurred colors float 0.1696
vibrancy_darkness How strong the effect of vibrancy is on dark areas float 0.05
zindex z-index of the widget int -1
Blur options are taken from hyprland. See Variables/#blur.
Example background
background {
    monitor =
    path = screenshot
    color = rgba(25, 20, 20, 1.0)
    blur_passes = 2


✓ Shadowable

Draws an image.

If path is empty or missing, nothing will be shown.

variable description type default
monitor monitor to draw on str [[Empty]]
path image path str [[Empty]]
size size scale based on the lesser side of the image int 150
rounding negative values result in a circle int -1
border_size border size int 0
border_color border color gradient rgba(221, 221, 221, 1.0)
rotate rotation in degrees, counter-clockwise int 0
reload_time seconds between reloading, 0 to reload with SIGUSR2 int -1
reload_cmd command to get new path. if empty, old path will be used. don’t run “follow” commands like tail -F str [[Empty]]
position position of the image layoutxy 0, 0
halign horizontal alignment str center
valign vertical alignment str center
zindex z-index of the widget int 0
Example image
image {
    monitor =
    path = /home/me/cutie.png
    size = 150
    rounding = 0 # no rounding

    position = 0, 200
    halign = center
    valign = center


✓ Shadowable

Draws a shape.

variable description type default
monitor monitor to draw on str [[Empty]]
size size of the shape layoutxy 100, 100
color color of the shape color rgba(17, 17, 17, 1.0)
rounding negative values result in a circle int -1
rotate rotation in degrees, counter-clockwise int 0
border_size border size int 0
border_color border color gradient rgba(0, 207, 230, 1.0)
xray if true, make a “hole” in the background (rectangle of specified size, no rotation) bool false
position position of the shape layoutxy 0, 0
halign horizontal alignment str center
valign vertical alignment str center
zindex z-index of the widget int 0
Example shape
shape {
    monitor =
    size = 360, 60
    color = rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0) # no fill
    rounding = -1 # circle
    border_size = 4
    border_color = rgba(0, 207, 230, 1.0)

    position = 0, 80
    halign = center
    valign = center

Input Field

✓ Shadowable

Draws a password input field.

variable description type default
monitor monitor to draw on str [[Empty]]
size size of the input field. layoutxy 400, 90
outline_thickness thickness of the outline int 4
dots_size size of the dots. [0.2 - 0.8] float 0.25
dots_spacing spacing between dots. [-1.0 - 1.0] float 0.15
dots_center whether to center the dots. align left otherwise bool true
dots_rounding rounding of the dots int -1
dots_fade_time Milliseconds until a dot fully fades in int 200
dots_text_format text character(s) used for the input indicator, rounded rectangles are the default. str [[Empty]]
outer_color border color gradient rgba(17, 17, 17, 1.0)
inner_color color of the inner box color rgba(200, 200, 200, 1.0)
font_color color of the font color rgba(10, 10, 10, 1.0)
font_family font family str Noto Sans
fade_on_empty fade the input field when empty bool true
fade_timeout milliseconds before fade_on_empty is triggered int 2000
placeholder_text text rendered in the input box when it’s empty str <i>Input Password...</i>
hide_input render an input indicator similar to swaylock instead of dots when set to true bool false
rounding -1 means complete rounding (circle/oval) int -1
check_color color accent when waiting for the authentication result gradient rgba(204, 136, 34, 1.0)
fail_color color accent when authentication fails gradient rgba(204, 34, 34, 1.0)
fail_text text rendered when authentication fails str <i>$FAIL <b>($ATTEMPTS)</b></i>
fail_timeout milliseconds before fail_text and fail_color disappears int 2000
fail_transition transition time in ms between normal outer_color and fail_color int 300
capslock_color color accent when capslock is active gradient [[Empty]]
numlock_color color accent when numlock is active gradient [[Empty]]
bothlock_color color accent when both locks are active gradient [[Empty]]
invert_numlock change color if numlock is off bool false
swap_font_color swap font and inner colors on color change events bool false
position position of the input field layoutxy 0, 0
halign horizontal alignment str center
valign vertical alignment str center
zindex z-index of the widget int 0

Colors information

When outline_thickness set to 0, the color of the inner box will be changed instead of the outer.

Behaviour of swap_font_color is as follows:

  • outline_thickness is 0: if set, font color will be swapped with inner one on color change events (e.g. Caps-lock on or password check).
  • outline_thickness is not 0: if set, font and inner colors will be swapped on password check and authentication failure.
  • swap_font_color will narrow the accent colors from a gradient to a single color by using the first specified color.

Available variables for placeholder_text:

  • $PROMPT - prompt text provided by pam. Usually this will be “Password: “, but it depends on your pam configuration.

Available variables for fail_text:

  • $FAIL - pam fail reason
  • $ATTEMPTS - number of failed authentication attempts
Example input-field
input-field {
    monitor =
    size = 20%, 5%
    outline_thickness = 3
    inner_color = rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0) # no fill

    outer_color = rgba(33ccffee) rgba(00ff99ee) 45deg
    check_color=rgba(00ff99ee) rgba(ff6633ee) 120deg
    fail_color=rgba(ff6633ee) rgba(ff0066ee) 40deg

    font_color = rgb(143, 143, 143)
    fade_on_empty = false
    rounding = 15

    position = 0, -20
    halign = center
    valign = center


✓ Shadowable

Draws a label.

variable description type default
monitor monitor to draw on str [[Empty]]
text text to render str Sample Text
text_align multi-line text alignment inside label container. center/right or any value for default left. str center
color color of the text color rgba(254, 254, 254, 1.0)
font_size size of the font int 16
font_family font family str Sans
rotate rotation in degrees, counter-clockwise int 0
position position of the label layoutxy 0, 0
halign horizontal alignment str center
valign vertical alignment str center

Available variables for text:

  • $USER - username (e.g. linux-user)
  • $DESC - user description (e.g. Linux User)
  • $TIME - current time in 24-hour format (e.g. 13:37)
  • $TIME12 - current time in 12-hour format (e.g. 1:37 PM)
  • $PROMPT - last pam prompt
  • $FAIL - last pam fail reason
  • $ATTEMPTS - failed attempts
  • $LAYOUT - current keyboard layout
  • $FPRINTMESSAGE - last message from fingerprint matching

text also supports launching commands, for example:

text = cmd[update:1000] echo "<span foreground='##ff2222'>$(date)</span>"

Worth noting:

  • update: - time is in ms.
  • label can be forcefully updated by specifying update:<time>:1 or update:<time>:true and sending SIGUSR2 to hyprlock. <time> can be 0 in this case.
  • $ATTEMPTS[<string>] format can be used to show <string> when there are no failed attempts. You can use pango-markup here. <string> can be empty to hide.
  • $LAYOUT[<str0>,<str1>,...] format is available to replace indexed layouts. You can use settings from hyprland.conf, e.g. $LAYOUT[en,ru,de]. Also, single ! character will hide layout. E.g. $LAYOUT[!] will hide default (0 indexed) and show others.
  • Variables seen above are parsed before the command is ran.
  • do not run commands that never exit. This will hang the AsyncResourceGatherer and you won’t have a good time.
Example label
label {
    monitor =
    text = Hi there, $USER
    color = rgba(200, 200, 200, 1.0)
    font_size = 25
    font_family = Noto Sans

    position = 0, 80
    halign = center
    valign = center

User Signals

  • SIGUSR1 - unlocks hyprlock. For example, you can switch to a another tty and run pkill -USR1 hyprlock.
  • SIGUSR2 - updates labels and images. See above.