
hyprlock is a simple, yet fast, multi-threaded and GPU-accelerated screen lock for Hyprland.


Configuration is done via the config file at ~/.config/hypr/hyprlock.conf. It is not required, but recommended. Without it, locking shows the current screen.

Variable types

Hyprlock uses the following types in addition to Hyprland’s variable types.

layoutxyvec2 with an optional % suffix, allowing users to specify sizes as percentages of the output size. Floats (e.g. 10.5) are supported, but only have an effect when used with %. Raw pixel values will just get rounded.


Variables in the general category:

disable_loading_bardisables the loading bar on the bottom of the screen while hyprlock is booting up.boolfalse
hide_cursorhides the cursor instead of making it visibleboolfalse
gracethe amount of seconds for which the lockscreen will unlock on mouse movement.int0
no_fade_indisables the fadein animationboolfalse
no_fade_outdisables the fadeout animationboolfalse
ignore_empty_inputskips validation when no password is providedboolfalse
immediate_rendermakes hyprlock immediately start to draw widgets. Backgrounds will render background:color until their background:path resource is availableboolfalse
text_trimsets if the text should be trimmed, useful to avoid trailing newline in commands outputbooltrue
fractional_scalingwhether to use fractional scaling. 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled, 2 - autoint2
If you are not on hyprland, or your XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP is not Hyprland, the fade out will be disabled and the value of your no_fade_out variable will be ignored.


Variables in the auth category:

pam:enabledwhether to enable pam authenticationbooltrue
pam:modulesets the pam module used for authentication. If the module isn’t found in /etc/pam.d, “su” will be used as a fallbackstrhyprlock
fingerprint:enabledenables parallel fingerprint auth with fprintd.boolfalse
fingerprint:ready_messagesets the message that will be displayed when fprintd is ready to scan a fingerprint.str(Scan fingerprint to unlock)
fingerprint:present_messagesets the message that will be displayed when a finger is placed on the scanner.strScanning fingerprint
At least one enabled authentication method is required.

Keyboard Shortcuts and Actions

The following keys and key-combinations describe hyprlock’s default behaviour:

ESCClear password buffer
Ctrl + uClear password buffer
Ctrl + BackspaceClear password buffer


The entire configuration of how hyprlock looks is done via widgets.

widget_name {
    monitor =
    # further options

monitor can be left empty for “all monitors”

Widget List

General remarks

  • All rendered text supports pango markup.
    • Additionally hyprlock will parse <br/> for your convenience. (That’s a linebreak) Remember to enable linebreaks in your spans with allow_breaks="true".
  • Positioning is done via halign, valign, position, and zindex. Position is an added offset to the result of alignment.
    • halign: left, center, right, none. valign: top, center, bottom, none
    • zindex: Widgets with larger numbers will be placed above widgets with smaller numbers. All widgets default to 0, except background which defaults to -1.
  • All position and size options can be specified in pixels or as percentages of the output size.
    • pixels: 10, 10 or 10px, 10px
    • percentages: 10%, 10.5%
    • mixed: 10%, 5px
  • Supported image formats are png, jpg and webp (no animations though)


Some widgets are shadowable, meaning they can have a shadow. For those widgets, you get:

shadow_passespasses for shadow, 0 to disableint0
shadow_sizesize for shadowint3
shadow_colorshadow colorcolorrgb(0,0,0)
shadow_boostboost shadow’s opacityfloat1.2


Draws a background image or fills with color.

If path is empty or missing, will use color. Otherwise, the image will be used.

If path is screenshot, a screenshot of your desktop at launch will be used.

monitormonitor to draw onstr[[Empty]]
pathimage path, screenshot or empty to fill with colorstr[[Empty]]
colorfallback background colorcolorrgba(17, 17, 17, 1.0)
blur_passesthe amount of passes to perform. 0 disables blurringint0
blur_sizeblur size (distance)int7
noisehow much noise to applyfloat0.0117
contrastcontrast modulation for blurfloat0.8916
brightnessbrightness modulation for blurfloat0.8172
vibrancyIncrease saturation of blurred colorsfloat0.1696
vibrancy_darknessHow strong the effect of vibrancy is on dark areasfloat0.05
reload_timeseconds between reloading, 0 to reload with SIGUSR2. Ignored if path is screenshot.int-1
reload_cmdcommand to get new path. If empty, old path will be used.str[[Empty]]
crossfade_timecross-fade time in seconds between old and new background on reload. A negative value means no cross-fade.float-1.0
zindexz-index of the widgetint-1
Blur options are taken from hyprland. See Variables/#blur.
Example background
background {
    monitor =
    path = screenshot
    color = rgba(25, 20, 20, 1.0)
    blur_passes = 2


✓ Shadowable

Draws an image.

If path is empty or missing, nothing will be shown.

monitormonitor to draw onstr[[Empty]]
pathimage pathstr[[Empty]]
sizesize scale based on the lesser side of the imageint150
roundingnegative values result in a circleint-1
border_sizeborder sizeint0
border_colorborder colorgradientrgba(221, 221, 221, 1.0)
rotaterotation in degrees, counter-clockwiseint0
reload_timeseconds between reloading, 0 to reload with SIGUSR2int-1
reload_cmdcommand to get new path. if empty, old path will be used. don’t run “follow” commands like tail -Fstr[[Empty]]
positionposition of the imagelayoutxy0, 0
halignhorizontal alignmentstrcenter
valignvertical alignmentstrcenter
zindexz-index of the widgetint0
Example image
image {
    monitor =
    path = /home/me/cutie.png
    size = 150
    rounding = 0 # no rounding

    position = 0, 200
    halign = center
    valign = center


✓ Shadowable

Draws a shape.

monitormonitor to draw onstr[[Empty]]
sizesize of the shapelayoutxy100, 100
colorcolor of the shapecolorrgba(17, 17, 17, 1.0)
roundingnegative values result in a circleint-1
rotaterotation in degrees, counter-clockwiseint0
border_sizeborder sizeint0
border_colorborder colorgradientrgba(0, 207, 230, 1.0)
xrayif true, make a “hole” in the background (rectangle of specified size, no rotation)boolfalse
positionposition of the shapelayoutxy0, 0
halignhorizontal alignmentstrcenter
valignvertical alignmentstrcenter
zindexz-index of the widgetint0
Example shape
shape {
    monitor =
    size = 360, 60
    color = rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0) # no fill
    rounding = -1 # circle
    border_size = 4
    border_color = rgba(0, 207, 230, 1.0)

    position = 0, 80
    halign = center
    valign = center

Input Field

✓ Shadowable

Draws a password input field.

monitormonitor to draw onstr[[Empty]]
sizesize of the input field.layoutxy400, 90
outline_thicknessthickness of the outlineint4
dots_sizesize of the dots. [0.2 - 0.8]float0.25
dots_spacingspacing between dots. [-1.0 - 1.0]float0.15
dots_centerwhether to center the dots. align left otherwisebooltrue
dots_roundingrounding of the dotsint-1
dots_fade_timeMilliseconds until a dot fully fades inint200
dots_text_formattext character(s) used for the input indicator, rounded rectangles are the default.str[[Empty]]
outer_colorborder colorgradientrgba(17, 17, 17, 1.0)
inner_colorcolor of the inner boxcolorrgba(200, 200, 200, 1.0)
font_colorcolor of the fontcolorrgba(10, 10, 10, 1.0)
font_familyfont familystrNoto Sans
fade_on_emptyfade the input field when emptybooltrue
fade_timeoutmilliseconds before fade_on_empty is triggeredint2000
placeholder_texttext rendered in the input box when it’s emptystr<i>Input Password...</i>
hide_inputrender an input indicator similar to swaylock instead of dots when set to trueboolfalse
rounding-1 means complete rounding (circle/oval)int-1
check_colorcolor accent when waiting for the authentication resultgradientrgba(204, 136, 34, 1.0)
fail_colorcolor accent when authentication failsgradientrgba(204, 34, 34, 1.0)
fail_texttext rendered when authentication failsstr<i>$FAIL <b>($ATTEMPTS)</b></i>
fail_timeoutmilliseconds before fail_text and fail_color disappearsint2000
fail_transitiontransition time in ms between normal outer_color and fail_colorint300
capslock_colorcolor accent when capslock is activegradient[[Empty]]
numlock_colorcolor accent when numlock is activegradient[[Empty]]
bothlock_colorcolor accent when both locks are activegradient[[Empty]]
invert_numlockchange color if numlock is offboolfalse
swap_font_colorswap font and inner colors on color change eventsboolfalse
positionposition of the input fieldlayoutxy0, 0
halignhorizontal alignmentstrcenter
valignvertical alignmentstrcenter
zindexz-index of the widgetint0

Colors information

When outline_thickness set to 0, the color of the inner box will be changed instead of the outer.

Behaviour of swap_font_color is as follows:

  • outline_thickness is 0: if set, font color will be swapped with inner one on color change events (e.g. Caps-lock on or password check).
  • outline_thickness is not 0: if set, font and inner colors will be swapped on password check and authentication failure.
  • swap_font_color will narrow the accent colors from a gradient to a single color by using the first specified color.

Available variables for placeholder_text:

  • $PROMPT - prompt text provided by pam. Usually this will be “Password: “, but it depends on your pam configuration.

Available variables for fail_text:

  • $FAIL - pam fail reason
  • $ATTEMPTS - number of failed authentication attempts
Example input-field
input-field {
    monitor =
    size = 20%, 5%
    outline_thickness = 3
    inner_color = rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0) # no fill

    outer_color = rgba(33ccffee) rgba(00ff99ee) 45deg
    check_color=rgba(00ff99ee) rgba(ff6633ee) 120deg
    fail_color=rgba(ff6633ee) rgba(ff0066ee) 40deg

    font_color = rgb(143, 143, 143)
    fade_on_empty = false
    rounding = 15

    position = 0, -20
    halign = center
    valign = center


✓ Shadowable

Draws a label.

monitormonitor to draw onstr[[Empty]]
texttext to renderstrSample Text
text_alignmulti-line text alignment inside label container. center/right or any value for default left.strcenter
colorcolor of the textcolorrgba(254, 254, 254, 1.0)
font_sizesize of the fontint16
font_familyfont familystrSans
rotaterotation in degrees, counter-clockwiseint0
positionposition of the labellayoutxy0, 0
halignhorizontal alignmentstrcenter
valignvertical alignmentstrcenter

Available variables for text:

  • $USER - username (e.g. linux-user)
  • $DESC - user description (e.g. Linux User)
  • $TIME - current time in 24-hour format (e.g. 13:37)
  • $TIME12 - current time in 12-hour format (e.g. 1:37 PM)
  • $PROMPT - last pam prompt
  • $FAIL - last pam fail reason
  • $ATTEMPTS - failed attempts
  • $LAYOUT - current keyboard layout
  • $FPRINTMESSAGE - last message from fingerprint matching

text also supports launching commands, for example:

text = cmd[update:1000] echo "<span foreground='##ff2222'>$(date)</span>"

Worth noting:

  • update: - time is in ms.
  • label can be forcefully updated by specifying update:<time>:1 or update:<time>:true and sending SIGUSR2 to hyprlock. <time> can be 0 in this case.
  • $ATTEMPTS[<string>] format can be used to show <string> when there are no failed attempts. You can use pango-markup here. <string> can be empty to hide.
  • $LAYOUT[<str0>,<str1>,...] format is available to replace indexed layouts. You can use settings from hyprland.conf, e.g. $LAYOUT[en,ru,de]. Also, single ! character will hide layout. E.g. $LAYOUT[!] will hide default (0 indexed) and show others.
  • Variables seen above are parsed before the command is ran.
  • do not run commands that never exit. This will hang the AsyncResourceGatherer and you won’t have a good time.
Example label
label {
    monitor =
    text = Hi there, $USER
    color = rgba(200, 200, 200, 1.0)
    font_size = 25
    font_family = Noto Sans

    position = 0, 80
    halign = center
    valign = center

User Signals

  • SIGUSR1 - unlocks hyprlock. For example, you can switch to a another tty and run pkill -USR1 hyprlock.
  • SIGUSR2 - updates labels and images. See above.