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This page documents all of the more advanced config options.

Please remember, that for ALL arguments separated by a comma, if you want to leave one of them empty, you cannot reduce the number of commas, unless told otherwise in a specific section:

three_param_keyword = A, B, C # OK

three_param_keyword = A, C # NOT OK

three_param_keyword = A, , C # OK

three_param_keyword = A, B,  # OK

Table of contents


you can execute a shell script on startup of the compositor or on each time it’s reloaded.

Note: The issue below was fixed in upstream. (since after v0.15.0beta)

There currently is a bug with the exec that makes the executed app unable to die if killed, use SIGKILL (e.g. killall name -9) or launch from a script (exec-once=~/myscript.sh and do myapp & in the script)

exec-once=command will execute only on launch

exec=command will execute on each reload

Defining variables

You can define your own custom variables like this:

$VAR = value

for example:

$MyFavoriteGame = Among Us

then, to use them, simply use them. For example:


You ARE allowed to do this:


Sourcing (multi-file)

Use the source keyword to source another file.

For example, in your hyprland.conf you can:


And Hyprland will enter that file and parse it like a Hyprland config.

Please note it’s LINEAR. Meaning lines above the source= will be parsed first, then lines inside ~/.config/hypr/myColors.conf, then lines below.


Use something like libinput-gestures, with hyprctl if you want to expand Hyprland’s gestures beyond what’s offered in Variables.

Per-device input configs

Per-device config options will overwrite your options set in the input section. It’s worth noting that ONLY values explicitly changed will be overwritten.

In order to apply per-device config options, make a new category like this:

device:name {


the name can be easily obtained by doing hyprctl devices.

Inside of it, put your config options. All options from the input category (and all subcategories, e.g. input:touchpad) can be put inside, EXCEPT:

force_no_accel, follow_mouse, float_switch_override_focus

Properties that change names:

touchdevice:transform -> touch_transform
touchdevice:output -> touch_output

Example config section:

device:ROYUAN Akko Multi-modes Keyboard-B {

remember about the space after the end of the device’s name (before the {)!

With hyprctl, the category’s spaces get turned into -, and everything is lowercase. So, for hyprctl calls, do for example:

hyprctl keyword device:royuan-akko-multi-modes-keyboard-b:kb_layout us


The hyprland background you see when you first start Hyprland is NOT A WALLPAPER, it’s the default image rendered at the bottom of the render stack.

To set a wallpaper, use a wallpaper utility like hyprpaper or swaybg.

Blurring layerSurfaces

LayerSurfaces are not windows. These are for example: Your wallpapers, notification overlays, bars, etc.

If you really want to blur them, use blurls=


where NAMESPACE is the namespace of the layerSurface. (You can get it from hyprctl layers)

to remove a namespace from being blurred (useful in dynamic situations) use:
